Personal data
Scientific Limited only collects personally identifiable information about you (name address etc.) if you actively submit it on our website. If you do
not want us to collect your personal information please do not submit it.
If you have submitted your personal details to us (name address etc.) and would like it removed from our records please contact us by email or post at
our contact address. We will make all reasonable efforts to delete your information from our records.
Information submitted to us will be held for Scientific Ltd internal use only and not passed on to other organisations without your explicit consent.
In submitting your personal information to Scientific Ltd you agree to being contacted by company representatives regarding products and services to
which you have subscribed.
Non Personal Data
While you browse Scientific Ltd website anonymously we may collect information regarding your IP address, Operating System, pages you visit etc.. This
information is collected with a regard to supplying information on use of our website. This information is used to identify changes which can improve
users experience of our site. If you object to any of this information being collected please don´t visit our website.
Information Placed on your hard drive
We reserve the right to place information on users hard drives if you log into a password protected part of the site. This is in order for us to be
certain that you are a permitted user of these password protected pages when navigating the site.