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1. By using this site you agree to the terms and conditions given here. If you do not agree to be legally bound by these terms and conditions please do not access this site.

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3. The information and styling of this Scientific Limited website is copyright property ofScientific Limited.

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4. The Password protected area of the site will require user registration with Scientific Limited. In registering and you undertake that all information submitted is correct and, except for optional items, complete.

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6. Documents downloaded from this website are the intellectual property of Scientific Limited. You may not sell the materials or rights to third parties. Permission is granted to copy the information for the use by employees and agents of Scientific Limited customers.

7. The information is made available as a courtesy to customers. Scientific Limited makes no claim or guarantee of accuracy of the content except where explicitly stated.

Applications available for download
8. Application downloads are provided as a courtesy to customers. Scientific Limited take all reasonable steps to make sure that applications do not have a detrimental effect when installed on a PC. However Scientific Limited makes no guarantee that applications supplied will not affect a PC when installed. Users are recommended to take care to backup their computer information prior to any software install.

9. Whilst all reasonable care is taken to ensure that downloads are virus free users are advised to run a virus checker before use.

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2009 Scientific (sgas) L.T.D. All rights reserved  Sokratous 7 Xaidari, Athens 12462 , Greece Tel: +30 210 5322870 , Fax: +30 210 5322429